
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Scarecrow: Work in Progress (31-08-2018)

Finally, here is an update of the Scarecrow Python game programming progress. A lot of things have been added recently and these are a few of them: breakable objects, briefing screen, fire traps, lifts, music and sound effects. Breakable objects such as walls will break down after some time when player steps on them. When they break, they will fall down and turn into the dust. Briefing screen shows information about what player must do to complete quests (objectives). Fire traps move around in circles and player will lose a life when collided with this kind of trap. Luckily, the player has now three lives. Animated heart icons symbolize player lives. A little trigonometry is used for creating fire traps. If player dies, a short lasting shield will be activated to protect the player from traps and other objects for a little while. The shield can be seen as flickering effect. Lifts can move horizontally and vertically. The game currently contains two music tracks - one is for main menu and another is used during gameplay. This is added to make the game more fun. Also, player death sound effect is added into the game. More sound effects need to be added for various actions and objects. So, this is it for now.

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